Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Last Day of School

The last day of school ...

Hard to believe that today is the last day of school. Mind you, we're the only people still in school at this late hour (thanks to snow make up days), but it's still hard to believe the school year is winding up.

Our firstborn is finishing second grade and is well on her way to being taller than her mama. :) She is beautiful and funny, we have such a good time together.

Our sweet second born finished preschool yesterday. She came home with a backpack full of pictures from the year and a heart full of friends and memories. She loved school ... from the busride in to the busride home. She says she's excited that school is over, but I know she'll miss her friends before the week is out.

And wonder boy is now 19 months old. Our beautiful baby boy is a running, talking little person. Occassionally he will allow us to snuggle him close, but that doesn't happen very often. When it does we try to take deep breathes and savor the moments.

The summer is before us ... so much fun planned this year.

We're headed to the Science Museum in Springfield, MA tomorrow for the day. Buying the family pass to all the science and kid museums was one of our best moves.

Daddy has a missions trip next week for a few days.
We'll be camping at Rocky Neck for a week.
The kids are spending a week at my parents in Jersey after that.
We're all spending a week in PA with grammie and papa.
Soulfest is at the end of July.
Kenni goes to camp all by herself (6 nights in NH!) in August.
And then we round off the summer with family camp up at Spofford, our real vacation.

Whew. We might be ready for school to start again in the fall.

Now I'm off to enjoy one last cup of coffee for the school year.

1 comment:

  1. Amy, it's so great to read your candid account of the family activities, and your thoughts on raising three interesting, beautiful young ones....our grandchildren! It seems like a lifetime ago that I was in your spot...looking for creative ways to find transportation, and always food bargins to feed all the hungry boys sitting around the table. But...we got thru, and God's peace, protection and blessing were as abundant as they are now to you and Pete. Isn't He good? Blessed are the Moms who look beyond the tears, and messes, and runny noses, and piles of see the people these little ones will be some day. That's enough to carry you thru...believe me. And...I am still blessed today as I think of how strong and sensitive our sons are because they did not grow up with every electronic gadgic, or device, or new toy that was on the market at the time....they mostly had regular stuff. Somehow, I've been very thankful that we didn't need all those things to be a happy family. More importantly, I hope it's served us well to build a gratful spirit...and I certainly want that more than anything else.

    Have I told you lately, that you have a winning attitude and spirit...and that I am so proud of you for all you do? Can't wait to see you all soon.

    Gramma and I are enjoying the sun in Florida now with family south of Tampa...we arrived yesterday and spent the 4th at my cousin's for dinner. I'll post pix on the family webpage.
